Guest edited by Dr. Edgardo Rodriguez-Collazo, this issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Part 1 will cover several key areas of interest related to Orthoplastic techniques for lower extremity reconstruction. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Thomas Chang. Articles in this issue include but are not limited to: Gastrocnemius flap for coverage of proximal Third of the leg; Hemisoleus flap for coverage of the middle Third of the Leg; Distally Based Hemisoleus for coverage of the distal third of the leg; Posterior tibial artery Adipofascial flap for coverage of the distal third of the leg; Peroneal artery fasciocutaneous flap for Coverage of the distal leg and hindfoot; Reverse sural Adipofascial flap for coverage of the hindfoot; Medial plantar artery flap for coverage of the weight bearing surface of the heel; Intrinsic muscle flaps of the foot for coverage of small defects of the foot; Dorsal first Metatarsal artery fasciocutaneous flap; Understanding the arterial anatomy and dermal perfusion of the foot with clinical applications; Digital fillet flap for coverage of forefoot ulcers; and Tendon balancing for the management of pedal ulcerations, among others.
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