Mosby’s Advanced Pharmacy Technician E-Book 1st Edition, Kindle Edition

Content is based on ASHP and PTCB standards to match the coverage required in advanced-level pharmacy technician programs and support the new CPhT-Adv credential.
Coverage builds upon the Certified Pharmacy Technician skill set with a variety of advanced-level skills, including medication history and reconciliation, error prevention, hazardous medications, controlled substances, technology considerations, inventory, billing and reimbursement, and management and leadership topics to help students develop a supervisory skill set.
Study and practice opportunities throughout include review questions at the end of each chapter, an exam-review appendix with sample questions, and review questions on the companion Evolve website.
Chapter case studies and critical thinking exercises throughout emphasize real-world problem solving.
Tech Notes and Tech Alerts offer practical tips for on-the-job accuracy and efficiency.

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