The 5th edition of this highly regarded text has a new title and approach which builds on the foundations of previous editions to acknowledge mental health as essential to holistic nursing practice in every setting.
Written by Kim Foster, Peta Marks, Anthony O’Brien and Toby Raeburn – a team of highly respected mental health nursing educators, researchers and clinicians, the new edition has been carefully reorganised to reflect contemporary mental health nursing practice and highlight the value of consumer perspectives. With a key focus on specialist mental health nursing, the new chapters introduce the integration of mental health nursing knowledge and skills across a range of generalist and mental health clinical settings. Mental Health in Nursing, 5th edition is an invaluable resource for all nursing students, whatever their practice area.
• Consumer perspectives provided by Jarrad Hickmott, Lived Experience Consultant • Historical anecdotes encourage reflection and understanding of contemporary mental health nursing practice • An eBook included in all print purchases
Additional resources on evolve • eBook on VitalSource Instructor resources: • Test bank – MCQ’s (with answers and rationales) • Discussion questions • Image collection Student and Instructor resources: • Consumer stories (a selection of videos from Stories in Mental Health) • Weblinks
Restructured and presented in 3 parts:
Section 1: Positioning Practice describes the context and importance of nursing in mental health and includes a new chapter on self-care
Section 2: Knowledge for Practice addresses the specialist practice of mental health nursing. Each chapter examines specific mental health conditions, assessment, nursing management and relevant treatment approaches
Section 3: Contexts of practice features scenario-based chapters with a framework to support mental health screening, assessment, referral and support, across a range of clinical settings
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