Build the skills you need to understand and resolve ethical problems! Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions, 7th Edition provides a solid foundation in ethical theory and concepts, applying these principles to the ethical issues surrounding health care today. It uses a unique, six-step decision-making process as a framework for thinking critically and thoughtfully, with case studies of patients to illustrate ethical topics such as conflict of interest, patient confidentiality, and upholding best practices. Written by Regina F. Doherty, an educator and occupational therapist, this book will help you make caring and effective ethical choices that improve patient care and outcomes.
UNIQUE! Ethical decision-making process provides an organizing framework to use in making the best decisions when faced with ethical problems.
Patient stories depict real-life situations and demonstrate the ethical decision-making process.
Reflection boxes depict important concepts and stimulate critical thinking.
Summary boxes highlight the most important information in each section.
Coverage of interprofessional team decision-making reflects this important, expanding movement in healthcare nationally and internationally.
Questions for thought and discussion encourage students to apply the ethical decision-making process to different situations.
NEW! Updated content throughout the book reflects the changes in the growing interprofessional movement.
NEW! Expanded content on clinician well-being includes tools for supporting moral resilience and preventing burnout in health professionals.
NEW! Updated content addresses the topics of social justice, health disparities, intersectionality, and health outcomes.
NEW! Updated national standards and regulations are provided for electronic health communications, data protections, and clinical research.
NEW! Coverage of scientific literature is expanded with studies on the effects of compassion on patient outcomes, patient safety, and provider and organizational well-being.
NEW! Coverage of ethical issues impacting healthcare and society includes topics such as medical scarcity due to healthcare supply chain shortages and extreme weather events due to climate change.
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