Written by Nicholas J Talley, Simon O’Connor and Brad Frankum, this engaging and instructive text provides practical pathways to diagnosis and up-to-date strategies for implementing evidence-based treatments for prevalent conditions.
Learn how to:
identify what is clinically important
understand and investigate disease
create an effective strategy for treatment
use technological diagnostic tools.
This new edition of Essentials of Internal Medicine 4e describes established and trusted diagnostic techniques to equip students and trainees with the skills to succeed in their profession. The visually dynamic text offers a framework of knowledge covering core facts and addressing difficult-to-master topics such as:
holistic approach to patient treatment
the importance of diagnosis
the physician’s role in public health
the physician as scholar.
Contributions from expert clinicians leading the advancement of medicine globally
Need-to-know ‘clinical pearls’ throughout each chapter
Memory jog lists and tables
Multiple choice questions with end-of-chapter answers and extensive explanations
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase.
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