Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary E-Book (Dorland’s Medical Dictionary)

Trusted by generations of healthcare personnel at every professional level, Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary remains today’s most comprehensive and highly respected medical dictionary. The thoroughly updated 33rd Edition is an ideal resource for medical and allied health professionals, students in all healthcare disciplines, medical writers, editors, transcriptionists, coders, researchers, attorneys, and more – as well as those working in government agencies and healthcare management.

Allows you to quickly grasp the meanings of medical terms in current usage, helping you understand and correctly use the latest terminology in today’s ever-evolving medical field.
Provides approximately 125,000 well-defined entries, 50 plates illustrating anatomy, and more than 1,500 clear, full-color illustrations.
Features more than 6,000 new and revised terms and numerous new illustrations.
Offers one year of free access to the complete content of Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary on, which includes 35,000 audio pronunciations and other bonus features.
Ensures that you’re up to date with anatomy terminology that reflects current Terminologia.

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Cách tính giá: 10-50% giá gốc theo (có thể thỏa thuận).
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