Written by neurologists for neurologists, Decision-Making in Adult Neurology provides practical guidance when encountering patients whose clinical presentation is unfamiliar or complex, or whose treatment path is not completely certain. This useful handbook is filled with diagnostic and treatment algorithms that encourage you to think systematically and follow a logical sequence through the steps necessary for efficient and effective decision-making.
Outlines the key decision points in patient management, providing a wealth of systematic information that ensures you take into account the proper physical signs and test results that will guide your recommendations.
Contains 119 algorithms covering symptoms and signs, specific neurologic conditions, vascular disorders, seizures, head trauma, neoplastic disease, peripheral nervous disorders, and muscle disease.
Accompanies each algorithm with brief text that explains the significance of important decision points.
Provides step-by-step decision-making guidelines for testing and management of paraneoplastic diseases, choice of initial MS therapy, evaluation of incidentally discovered MRI white matter lesions, management of asymptomatic carotid stenosis, and much more.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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